
Cannabis packaging laws in New York: what you need to know.

New York requires cannabis businesses to incorporate “at least 25% post-recycled consumer content into their packaging
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April 26, 2023 • 3 Min Read
By Steven Jay
Cannabis packaging laws in New York: what you need to know.

As of March 2021, New York State legalized recreational marijuana for adults aged 21 and older. With the legalization of cannabis comes a host of new regulations and requirements, including specific packaging and labeling laws for cannabis products sold in the state. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the laws surrounding cannabis packaging in New York and why they matter.

Child-resistant packaging

One of the most important requirements for cannabis packaging in New York is that it must be child-resistant. This means that the packaging must be designed to be difficult for children to open in order to prevent accidental ingestion or exposure. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) sets the standards for child-resistant packaging, and all cannabis products sold in New York must meet these standards.

Tamper-evident packaging

Another important requirement for cannabis packaging in New York; it must be tamper-evident. This means that the packaging must be designed in such a way that it is clear if the product has been opened or tampered with before purchase. Tamper-evident packaging helps ensure the product's safety & integrity and gives consumers peace of mind that they are getting what they paid for.

Non-appealing child package branding

In order to prevent minors from being attracted to cannabis products, packaging cannot contain any branding or advertising that could be appealing to children. This includes restrictions on the use of colors, images, and fonts.

Accurate labeling

Cannabis products sold in New York must also be accurately labeled. This includes information such as the THC and CBD content, dosage instructions, allergen warnings, and expiration date. Accurate labeling is important for consumers to make informed decisions about what they are buying and using.

Warning labels

In addition to accurate labeling, cannabis products sold in New York must also include warning labels. These labels must state that the product contains THC and may have intoxicating effects, as well as that minors, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people with certain medical conditions should not use it. Warning labels help to ensure that consumers are aware of the potential risks associated with using cannabis products.

Prohibition on marketing to minors

Finally, it is important to note that cannabis packaging in New York cannot be designed to appeal to minors, and marketing or advertising cannot be targeted toward minors. This is an important step in ensuring that cannabis products are not marketed to children or teenagers and helps to prevent the normalization of drug use among young people.

A Sustainable Program

As part of its sustainability program, New York requires cannabis businesses to incorporate “at least 25% post-recycled consumer content into their packaging and annually report key metrics on the implementation of their sustainability initiatives.”

In conclusion, the laws on cannabis packaging in New York are an important part of the state's new regulations surrounding recreational marijuana. By requiring child-resistant and tamper-evident packaging, plain packaging, accurate labeling, warning labels, and a prohibition on marketing to minors, the state is working to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents. If you are a cannabis user or seller in New York, it is important to be aware of these laws and comply with them to avoid legal trouble and ensure the safety of your customers.

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